Grateful for every day #1

This is not my own idea but one I love; I’m going to try it (as I always do) for a week to begin with.
Reflect upon your day, briefly divide into pros and cons and surmise. You’d be surprised what you learn about yourself and your life….

Hubbie is working the weekend, which means grandparent cover for the little ones for the first time, and I’m on my own for the rest. Both girls are teething so I was expecting a tough one.

The girls played happily long enough for me to get tidied after breakfast and showered in one go.
We trialled the new side by side stroller and successfully negotiated a short trip to the supermarket.
My twin girls are now moving so I have become a human climbing frame (definite pro, it’s great fun playing on the floor with them!).
Twin 2 surprised me with Eskimo kisses.
Hubbie managed to leave work on time which put him in a much better mood and he decided to go out to the pub quiz tonight.
We all had dinner together.
I’ve had a whole evening at home to myself! (& my writing).

Both girls still teething, woe betide if I forget the calpol!
I’m probably going to bed too late on a school night enjoying my ‘me time’.